Post your selfies — a defense of Kim Kardashian
There is an argument that says mothers shouldn’t post on social media as much. They shouldn’t be posting selfies and pictures of their kids and weird links to articles they thought about one time. Today’s mothers are compared to the mothers of the past, who focused entirely on their children and created the original vintage framed memories of the todays hipsters.
But, no. As a mother who lost their mother, no. I would love to be able to get reminded of the every day moments of my childhood but I’d also love to know when my mother felt like she looked smoking by seeing a selfie she posted. I’d love to know when she read an article and got angry and political about some issue of the day. Heck, I’d love to see a recipe she saved and never cooked.
I’m not sure I would have loved these memories at 14, but at 14 I wouldn’t have wanted to think of my mother in any capacity. As an adult, I’d love to know my mother as a multi-faceted adult. So I encourage mothers to write a diary, post a selfie and have an opinion if you want. Your children are elevated by you enjoying your life. Your children will only grow in the idea that they have a mother who exists in a capacity other than serving them.
Kim Kardashian gets that. She knows that her kids won’t read her social media today. They’ll hate it as teenagers. And they’ll love it when they are adults.