Agnosticism as told by cats
I don’t know if there is a God, god, gods or G-d. But, I don’t think I could wrap my head around it if there was a higher power.
You see, I think my cat broadly knows I exist. However he has very little idea of what I do, what I think and why I make the decisions I do. (I mean, I doubt I could explain the logic of him getting neutered or vaccinated even if we had a shared language!). I am there, and he loves me in the moment, then I leave (to work, for errands, for other things) and he… doesn’t really know where I am.
Because of our difference in cognitive capacity he simply knows he feels love and comfort when I am close but we cannot connect as equals. That doesn’t affect the true affection between us.
Before he lived with us, he did not experience being near a human and that was OK. He still had happy times (I’m sure) and scared or angry or sad times. His emotions are not as complex as mine, but for him they are complete.
This is my concept of a potential god. They might exist. They might exist and I am outside of the area they focus on. Or, I might be a wild cat in the jungle and living in my own universe without any guiding moral force beyond reproductions and fleeting happiness.
If there is a God, an infinite all knowing being, I couldn’t know the full span of their mind. I just don’t have the capacity. I can’t spend effort on knowing it because I couldn’t explain myself to my cat, and (extending the metaphor) my cat couldn’t explain himself to a flea. If I feel happy and comfortable in the moment, it may be God and it may be an electrical blip in my neural network. All I can do is pursue the good moments and try not to cause bad moments to other people.
Also, if there is a cat God, it probably looks like a infinite warm bed and lobster tail delivery system with patting functionality. (I’m doing my best, puss!).